Whilst these experiences make us stronger as leaders, nothing could have prepared us for Covid-19. As I write this, the words ‘unprecedented times’ are ones which have never had such an impactful meaning. We have adapted our lives – both personal and working to meet government guidelines around social distancing.
Each conversation we have had over the past weeks has had a common theme; that the uncertainty we face is unsettling. We can pre-empt and predict what the future might look like, but currently none of us know and this is the same whether you are an employer or job-seeker at present.
Some clients are still actively recruiting and seeing the opportunity to ‘get ahead’ and face into the ‘new world’. Others have paused their processes for now as they are busy and diverted in other areas of HR; and some others have simply stopped them altogether. The HR roles that are advertised are now significantly reduced in number (about 1/3 nationally) and where there are roles posted, they have been there for weeks if not months.
At HR Heads, we are optimistic that we can continue to turn adversity into opportunity and further strengthen our market share. We too have had to take some tough decisions including furloughing some of our valued colleagues. We hope to see them back at work in the not too-distant future but know that they are welcoming some much need R&R, enabling them to return refreshed and recuperated.
Many of you will be accustomed to working remotely but constant isolation from your colleagues and friends can make home-working a lonely place right now. If you are in need of some human interaction and would like to share your situation or need guidance on CV writing and video interviewing tips, please do get in touch with us.
Above all, we hope that this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and well. We are here to help during this time and also, once we have come out the other side. Our business may not be about saving lives, but we can play a crucial part in helping to get yours back on track when this is all over.